Is GcMAF a new hope for Autism treatment?

Is GcMAF a new hope for Autism treatment?

Did you know there is a connection between Autism and Microglia in the brain?

The Blood-Brain Barrier appears to play a critical role in many diseases. The advent of two-photon microscopy made it possible to watch the blood-brain barrier in a living, breathing mouse. This is interesting. We can now observe how microglia are moving around and coming in to protect and repair the blood-brain barrier as tight junctions. Malfunctioning microglia could lead to neuroinflammation and a wide variety of brain diseases.

An interesting article entitled “The Constant Gardeners” was published in the journal Nature in 2012. It suggests that Microglia, the macrophages of the brain seem to be crucial for pruning back neurons during development. Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia are often associated with faulty pruning.

The picture shows a neuron from the brain of a young person with autism. A paper published in the journal Neuron in 2014 reports that young people with autism have excess synapses in the brain.

Excess is due to a slowdown in a normal brain “pruning” process during development. Excessive synapses may have profound effects on how the brain functions. GcMAF may be an ideal candidate for this role by activating Microglia in the brain without side effects.

Picture: A neuron from the brain of young person with autism

Neuron (2014) 83: 1131-43
An interesting article entitled “A Non-inflammatory role for Microglia in Autism Spectrum Disorders” was published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology in 2016.
This article suggests that the non-inflammatory roles of microglia become increasingly recognized as critical to normal neurodevelopment.
And it also suggests that normal neurodevelopment represents a complex interplay between microglial cells and synaptic wiring.
But we still need to find out the genetic and epigenetic etiology, neurosynaptic dysconnectivity and abnormal microglia and immune findings in autism.
Nature Reviews Immunology volume18, pages225–242 (2018)
An important article was published in the journal Nature Reviews immunology in 2018.
It suggests several very important points.
Microglia arise solely from yolk sac erythro myeloid precursors.
Microglial precursors migrate to the brain parenchyma and quickly diverge from other tissue-resident macrophages in terms of their gene expression profile, under the influence of unknown brain-derived signals.

Microglia interact with almost all CNS components during embryonic and post-natal development when they carry out a large number of non-immune tasks that are crucial for brain function.
Another important point is that Microglia have multidimensional activation states in CNS disease and injuries.
These points are the most important.

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