Very important fact about GcMAF treatment.

Very important fact about GcMAF treatment.

Very important fact about GcMAF treatment. There are different generations in GcMAF therapy.  The first generation GcMAF was developed over 20 years ago.  Due to limited testing and clinical uses, the efficacy is unknown. We have developed the 2nd and 3rd Generation GcMAF with a new patented production process.  Therefore, our GcMAF is very unique.  Please note that our 2nd Generation GcMAF should not be colourless liquid, as it is produced from serum. Our 3rd Generation GcMAF products are classified as a food product in Japan, and they are available in forms of Capsules, Sprays and Lollies. Our 3rd Generation GcMAF products are not produced from...

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Clinical trial using maf for hospitalized covid-19 patients in Ukraine.

Clinical trial using maf for hospitalized covid-19 patients in Ukraine.

In June 2020 we applied to the COVID-19 Scientific Technical Triage of the US FDA for the evaluation of the rationale to study the efficacy of MAF Capsules in COVID-19 treatment.   In June 2020 we applied to the COVID-19 Scientific Technical Triage of the US FDA for the evaluation of the rationale to study the efficacy of MAF Capsules in COVID-19 treatment. The US FDA in PreIND 151946 meeting response recommended a small proof of concept (POC) study as the initial step prior to the large-scale trial be run. The US FDA indicated recommendations including the major study endpoints addressing the...

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How is GcMAF administered?

How is GcMAF administered?

GcMAF is administered by subcutaneous (SC) or intramuscular (IM) injection, 2-3 times per week (or as prescribed by the treating medical doctor) using a Size 26G x 1/2″ (0.45 x 13 mm) or Size 27G needle with a 2.5 ml or 1 ml syringe (single use, sterile disposable). The larger 2.5 ml syringe is easier to use due to the shorter plunger stroke distance necessary during injection. Diabetes needles may also be sufficient for administration of GcMAF, although these are a finer needle. Treatment in our clinics has also been by intravenous (IV) and intratumoral (IT) injection, although IM and SC injection is by far the most common means of...

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