General GcMAF questions

MAF Triple is our new and improved capsule range.
It contains 3 times the active ingredient than MAF Capsules!

Product comparison.
・A capsule of MAF Capsules Triple contains equivalent to 300ng of MAF.
・A capsule of MAF Capsules contains equivalent to 100ng of MAF.
・A cand of M-Lollies contains equivalent to 100ng of MAF.
・A sachet of M-Powder contains equivalent to 100ng of MAF.

Macrophages (Greek: big eaters) are cells originating from monocytes, a type of white blood cell found in the body. Macrophages function in both non-specific defense (innate immunity), as well as help, initiate specific defense mechanisms (adaptive immunity) of vertebrate animals.

Their role is to phagocytize (engulf and then digest) cellular debris and pathogens, either as stationary or as mobile cells. They also stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to pathogens. They are specialized phagocytic cells that attack foreign substances, infectious microbes and cancer cells through destruction and ingestion.

A macrophage of a mouse stretches its “arms” (pseudopodia) to engulf two particles, possibly pathogens.

GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor) occurs naturally in our bodies and instructs macrophages to destroy cancerous cells and foreign invaders by activating them.

Macrophages and other phagocytes are found in the following locations in the body:

Main location & Types of phagocytes

macrophages, resident Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, mast cells

Gut and intestinal Peyer’s patches*: macrophages

Lungs*: macrophages, monocytes, mast cells, dendritic cells

Blood: neutrophils, monocytes

Bone marrow: macrophages, monocytes, sinusoidal cells, lining cells

Connective tissue: macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells, histiocytes

Lymphoid tissue: macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells

Spleen: macrophages, monocytes, sinusoidal cells

Thymus: macrophages, monocytes

Saisei Mirai is a medical organisation in Osaka, Japan with the purpose of treating patients and developing and producing therapies, in particular immunotherapies such as GcMAF.

We work with other clinics and doctors both here and in Japan, as well as with various universities conducting clinical trials and doing research & development.

Oral GcMAF(3rd Genration GcMAF)

Oral GcMAF is produced in a similar way to Second Generation GcMAF but uses milk proteins instead of serum. It is administered orally and sublingually.

See GcMAF Therapy for more details below.

Oral GcMAF is stable with high macrophage phagocytic activity for at least 1 year.
Long-term stability testing is currently being conducted.
To maintain maximum long-term activity we recommend Oral MAF be stored refrigerated.

For most serious diseases we recommend a combination of Oral GcMAF and GcMAF injections.
Because the site of administration is different so too is the area of macrophage activation and the effect.

We have observed several common clinical effects from Oral GcMAF, such as:

Improved sleep, more energy; reduced fatigue

Improved digestion, reduced

nocturnal urination

Improved hair regrowth and reduced hair loss due to natural ageing

Improved skin condition & smoothness

Improved control or curing of infectious diseases such as viruses, bacteria and other pathogens

Reduced allergy symptoms, pollinosis and atopy

Our Oral GcMAF is part of our 3rd Generation GcMAF product range, which we refer to as such because it falls under our food supplements category. We simply call it MAF, and it's derived from whey, specifically milk proteins. In contrast, 2nd Generation GcMAF is sourced from human serum (Gc-Protein). The 'Gc' in the name originates from human serum, while our 3rd Generation GcMAF is produced using milk protein (whey). Regardless of the source, both types effectively activate macrophages, which is a crucial function.

Oral GcMAF is produced in GMP facilities in Japan.

Anyone can take Oral GcMAF to stay healthy and fight off disease.

Yes, contact us for more.

We recommend starting with a low dose, so MAF Capsules are a good one to start with. Contact us for more information.

Elimination of wheat and dairy products (mixed or made on the same production line is not a problem). Small amounts are also fine. It is not necessary to be too sensitive to small amounts except for celiac disease. (For example, soy sauce and other condiments). Avoid sugar (brown sugar, white sugar, beet sugar, cane sugar), fructose dextrose solution, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, etc.). Substitute raw honey, maple syrup, oligosaccharides, monk fruit, organic stevia, etc. if not allergic.
Avoid chemical seasonings, artificial colors, and processed foods.

Unfortunately, MAF Spray has been discontinued. We recommend M-Powders instead.

Yes, there’s no contraindication.

Yes, our clinical trials showed that GcMAF still worked while taking steroids.

Even infants can take it.

We only use 1mg of milk protein per capsule, so in most cases, there’s not enough dairy in it to cause sensitivity. However, we do not recommend taking it if you have a severe dairy allergy. If that is the case, we recommend 2nd Generation GcMAF injection.

GcMAF Therapy

Second Generation GcMAF has been clinically demonstrated to be largely free of any side effects in the great majority of patients.
Only low-grade fever or eczema has been observed in only about 1 out of 100 patients using Second Generation GcMAF, but these were short-term effects that are significantly less than occur with most other immunotherapies.
In small numbers of patients, local injection site skin reactions occur which can be easily treated with a local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory patch.

Generally, yes. GcMAF can be safely used with a wide variety of other standard treatments and drugs to improve their effectiveness. We refer to this as multimodality integrative medicine. Some therapies for cancer such as chemotherapy will reduce immune activity which will have some impact on GcMAF, however, chemotherapy effectiveness can be increased in combination with GcMAF. Radiation for cancer has a less negative impact on the immune system and the cancer-killing effects help macrophages to target the tumors and destroy them.
In combination with anti-cancer drugs and radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is possible. For maximum effect and benefit from GcMAF, administer a few days apart from chemotherapy. Radiation therapy does not have significant effects on Gc-MAF, so both can be used together at any time. In our clinical experience, we have observed significant cancer-killing effects from GcMAF combined with palliative radiotherapy in patients who have had significant prior treatment with chemotherapy. See our Case Reports for more details on this multimodality integrative treatment.

Saisei Mirai Clinics developed 2nd and 3rd Generation GcAMF.

We sell 3rd Generation GcMAF, food supplements here in Hawaii.

3rd Generation GcMAF can be taken orally and topically.

2nd Generation GcMAF is administered by subcutaneous (SC) or intramuscular (IM) injection.

For more information, please click here. HOW IS GCMAF ADMINISTERED?

One course of High Dose GcMAF is usually expected to be 48 doses for 6 months. Additional courses may be required depending on the stage and type of disease and based on disease symptoms, pathology and progress of improvement. Treatment with GcMAF should be continued as long as necessary while the disease is present. Long-term maintenance doses of GcMAF may be required depending on the type of disease. Maintenance doses are usually once a week or every 2 weeks administration.

As a general note, macrophage activation is always necessary for the effective functioning of the immune system to stay well and disease-free. GcMAF therapy should continue while there is disease present and for a period after to reduce the chance of recurrence for prevention.

As a general note, macrophage activation is always necessary for the effective functioning of the immune system to stay well and disease-free. GcMAF therapy should continue while there is disease present and for a period after to reduce the chance of recurrence for prevention.

Nagalase testing is not required for GcMAF therapy because macrophage activation is always necessary for the effective functioning of the immune system to destroy cancer cells, bacteria and viruses. GcMAF therapy should continue while there is disease present, regardless of Nagalase status.

Gc-MAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune system is compromised, For more information, Please click here.

Cancer: For Second Generation GcMAF therapy we recommend a 0.5 ml High Dose of GcMAF (1500 ng/0.5 ml) 2-3 times a week in an integrative approach to treating cancer.

More frequent dosing (daily or every second day) may be safely used with more advanced stages of the disease, or initially in the treatment course.

We recommend IV GcMAF in addition to the usual IM/SC injections every week. These can be done on alternate days.

Other diseases (such as Autism, CFS, ME, Lyme disease): We recommend 0.25 ml High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng/0.5 ml) 2-3 times a week. Initial doses can start at 0.1 ml in the 1st week, 0.2 ml in the 2nd week, and 0.25 ml or 0.3 ml in the 3rd week. A higher dose of 0.5 ml 2-3 times per week may be required depending on the initial response. See our Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) page for more details on Autism.

GcMAF can be safely used with a wide variety of drugs and other treatments.

Second Generation GcMAF(Only available to purchase from Saisei Mirai Clinics in Japan)

Our GcMAF is tested for macrophage phagocytic activity using mouse macrophages and sheep red blood cells at the University of Tokushima, Japan.

The red blood cells are opsonized which marks them for ingestion and destruction by activated macrophages. Under the microscope, this can be seen as purple areas in the clear cells. From this, we calculate the Phagocytosis (ingestion) Index (PI).

See also Tests of Second Generation GcMAF for more details.

Second Generation GcMAF is made using a new and improved 2nd generation method of Gc-MAF production which is 10-20 times more concentrated and is more active and stable than other GcMAF that is currently available.

Importantly, this much higher concentration GcMAF has been clinically demonstrated to be largely free of any side effects in the great majority of patients and is much more stable because it is resistant to oxidation.

For more information, please click here. Comparison of 1st and 2nd Generation GcMAF

Saisei Mirai has been producing our Patented Second Generation GcMAF since 2011 and our doctors have treated over 1000 patients in our Saisei Mirai group of clinics in Japan.

Second Generation GcMAF is stable for a minimum of 2 weeks at room temperature. See our Stability of GcMAF in Serum (PDF) report produced by Tokushima University.

We completed a longer stability experiment which found that Second Generation GcMAF is stable for 4 weeks at room temperature without loss in macrophage activation activity so the GcMAF remains highly potent.

We estimate from our experiments that our GcMAF remains highly active without loss in activity for at least 1 month at room temperature. Refrigerated there been no loss in activity for over 1 year.

High Dose Second Generation Gc-MAF is produced using our new Patent Pending process which was developed here in Japan by Saisei Mirai in collaboration with Dr Hitoshi Hori and Dr Yoshihiro Uto at the University of Tokushima who have been studying GcMAF for over 20 years.

Studies on GcMAF began at the University of Tokushima in 1992 after they were introduced to Dr Nobuto Yamamoto’s work and a collaboration began.

In addition to GcMAF, we produce NK cells (which we call Hyper T/NK Cell Therapy), lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DC).

We are continuously researching and developing new immunotherapies for patients in collaboration with various universities in Japan.

We produce GcMAF in our own Saisei Mirai Cell Processing Center (CPC) in Osaka, Japan.