MAF Series


"I was taking MAF Capsules for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I now am able to keep going all day. And surprisingly, I noticed that my hair regained its natural colour!"

Nicole B

"My hair was regrowing back to how it was 20 years ago!"

Ryan O

“My hay fever symptoms improved in 3 days and I no longer required anti-histamine medicine. I also felt the skin on my face become very smooth"

Jessica T

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Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice

Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice

Our new article!Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice Abstract In order to elucidate...

The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation

The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation

Abstract Background: Age, genetic, and environmental factors are noted to contribute to dementia risk. Neuroplasticity, protection from degeneration and cell...

Degalactosylated Whey Protein Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice

Degalactosylated Whey Protein Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice

Abstract The effects of degalactosylated whey protein on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory responses in mice were observed in comparison with intact...

Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice

Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice

Our new article!Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice Abstract In order to elucidate...

The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation

The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation

Abstract Background: Age, genetic, and environmental factors are noted to contribute to dementia risk. Neuroplasticity, protection from degeneration and cell...

Degalactosylated Whey Protein Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice

Degalactosylated Whey Protein Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice

Abstract The effects of degalactosylated whey protein on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory responses in mice were observed in comparison with intact...