GcMAF is Gc protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor.

Basics of Gc protein and GcMAF
What is Gc protein? Gc protein is short for Group-specific Component Protein, also known as Vitamin D-binding protein. It is a glycoprotein of about 56kDa (in size), present in human serum. It is a member of the albumin superfamily. Gc protein works as a vitamin D carrier protein and also scavenges G-actin released by cell lysis. Gc protein is the precursor of the most powerful macrophage activating factor (GcMAF).
There are six major subtypes of Gc protein, including the homodimers and heterodimers of Gc1f, Gc1s, and Gc2. Dr. Yamamoto and Dr. Hori used their blood samples to produce GcMAF which was the Gc 1f1f subtype. This is one reason why Gc 1f1f has been the focus in the treatment of various diseases. Our phagocytic activity data shows that GcMAF produced from all subtypes have high activity.

This diagram also shows that Gc1s have three different sugar structures proposed by different researchers.
Proposed scheme:
conversion of Gc1f protein to GcMAF

This is a proposed scheme for the conversion of Gc1f protein to GcMAF by Dr. Yamamoto and Dr. Hori of Tokushima University in 1993.
They have demonstrated that inflammation results in the hydrolysis of terminal galactose and sialic acid of the Gc1f1f protein. The hydrolysis is mediated by membrane-bound β-galactosidase present on activated B-cells and sialidase on T-cells. Finally, GcMAF is produced, like this.
Different types of GcMAF
•1st Generation GcMAF
•New serum MAF (2nd Generation GcMAF)
•Oral MAF (3rd Generation GcMAF)
•Recombinant MAF
Our hypothesis of GcMAF and Oral MAF is that they could increase the number of young stem cells of macrophages in the blood and tissues, and they could work for the rejuvenation of each tissue, having young and active innate cellular immunity.